Navigate Ideas Nourish Experiences
12th - 13th May 2018
Balai Ungku Aziz, Faculty of Dentistry, University of Malaya
0 4
General Rules for All Attendees:
Open to undergraduate students only.
Participants must pay the exact, full amount. All payments are non-refundable under any circumstances.
A receipt will be issued as a payment confirmation.
Attendees must dress according to the UM dress code.
General Rules for Presenters:
Open to final year Biomedical Science students who have conducted final year research projects.
Each presenter submitting an abstract must have obtained permission from his/her research supervisor.
Each presenter can choose to give an oral or poster presentation. However, the final decision on which abstracts are chosen for oral presentations will be done by the Scientific Committee. Those not selected for oral presentations will be automatically selected as poster presentations.
Selected abstracts for oral or poster presentations will be notified by 11th April 2018.
One student is only allowed to submit one abstract.

Registration Closed.
Registration fee: *RM90.00 (including event T-shirt, meal, goody bag, certificate of participation, nametag)
*Not including accommodation fees. -
All participants and presenters are required to fill up the registration form in order to participate in this symposium.
Only one registration form has to be filled up for each university and the form must be filled in a group according to university.
To register, please download the attached form and fill in participants' details. The form should be submitted before 15th March 2018 via email delegation.9mysymbios@gmail.com